Français | Provençau


A bridge between tradition and modernity, a node between cultures. Nousaire’s goal is to allow you to close your eyes, and to accompany him aboard his countless musical voyages.

Nousaire's first EP, Cèu is now available for streaming.

Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.

Interview & live session with Gabrièu - Parpalhon Blau

For all inquiries, please write to

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Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.

Nousaire is a multi-instrumentalist musician and composer whose music can be classified as World music, Occitan music, Provençal music. Traditional instruments are mixed in a mordern way. He is part of a young generation of Occitan musicians who choose the Occitan language (the Provençal dialect, in his case) to express their art. As the Occitan language used to be widely spread in the southern half of France but is slowly losing vernacular speakers, it bears a local and deeply rooted cultural dimension.

English | Provençau


Un pont entre tradition et modernité, un nœud entre les cultures. Nousaire vous invite à fermer les yeux, et à l'accompagner dans ses innombrables voyages musicaux.

Le 1er E.P de Nousaire, Cèu est disponible en streaming.

Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.

Interview et performance live pour Gabrièu - Parpalhon Blau

Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.

Pour toute demande, écrivez à :

Nousaire est un musicien multi-instrumentaliste et compositeur dont la musique peut être qualifiée de musique du monde, musique provençale, ou encore musique occitane. Les instruments traditionnels y sont associés de façon morderne. Il fait partie d'une jeune génération de musiciens qui choisissent la langue d'oc (dans son cas le dialecte provençal, carractéristique de la région éponyme) pour exprimer leur art. La langue d'oc, autrefois très répandue dans la moitié sud de la France mais qui perd peu à peu ses locuteurs vernaculaires, porte en elle une dimension culturelle locale et profondément ancrée.

Français | English


Un pònt entre tradicion e modernitat, un not de culturas. Nousaire vos invita a tapar leis uelhs, per s'en anar amb eu dins un fume de voiatges musicaus.

Lo promier E.P de Nousaire, Cèu es disponible.

Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.

Entrevista e performança en viu per Gabrièu - Parpalhon Blau

Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.

Que que siegue, escrivètz a :

Nousaire es un musicaire multi-estrumentista e compositor que la musica pòu esser considerada coma de musica dau monde, de musica provençala o mai de musica occitana. Leis estruments tradicionaus son mesclats d'un biais nòu. Fai partida d'una joina generacion d'artistas que causisson la lenga d'òc (per quant a n eu, lo provençau) per exprimir son art. La lenga d'òc, autre temps espendida dins lo mièg-jorn mai que pèrd a cha pauc de locutors, vestís una dimension culturala locala pron tancada.


Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.
Nousaire's first EP : Cèu contains 4 titles : Amondaut, Vòli Pantaiar, L'Endevenidor and Fau Ben Que Te Digue. Each of these songs have their own peculiarity and influence. They are all sung in Provençal.